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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Playing in the Snow

Jayden and Ryan Hannon were so excited for the snow that they went outside and built a snowman. They put horns on top of it and Jayden said that it was a reindeer snowman. Jayden has been wanting it to snow to make a snow angel.

The grandkids

The grandkids are growing like weeds everyday. Jayden and Syrus were making faces everytime I would get out the camera. The babies are growing daily and they coo and smile and laugh. Jayla just got her ears pierced at Walmart this last weekend. She has pink earrings in and looks so cute with them in her ears.

Antelope Hunt in Jeffrey City

Dennis, Wayne, and Chris Hancock took Chris, Jesse, and Eric hunting at Jeffrey City last weekend. They got 12 antelope out of 16. Dennis and Wayne are going back this weekend to finish and get their bucks a a few doe they still need to get. They had a good time hunting.